Coledale Ministry Centre

We are so thrilled that we have been granted our final certificate to use our new building! What an answer to prayer.
Join us for the Official Opening and lunch this Saturday 8 March at 11am.
We recommend carpooling as much as possible, and their will be a drop zone to let passemgers out before parking. 

During School Term | Sat 10am-12pm

0-5yrs Mondays at St Peter's

PULSE | Youth Group | Fridays

Come see us at Glen St | 6pm Wed

Hope | Explored


Talk to us about Growth Groups

Next Community Pantry 13 March

Corner of Kathleen & Vera St, South Tamworth

St Peter’s Church Office – 02 6765 9304

St Peter’s Connect Text Number – 0466 200 791


St Peter's Anglican Church

Regular Sunday Services 

sun@8  |  sun@10  |  sun@4  |  sun@6

Our Coledale Building Project