A low key Anglican service appealing to a more mature demographic.
Followed by morning tea.
All age service, followed by morning tea.
A ‘parents room’ and crèche are available.
Kid’s Church program for children aged 3 to Year 6.
Solid Jnr (Bible Study) for students Year 7-9 each fortnight.
All age service.
Come early for afternoon tea (from 3:30), and stay after for a chat.
A ‘parents room’ and crèche are available.
Kid’s Church program for children aged 3 to Year 6.
Solid Jnr (Bible Study) for students Year 7-9 each fortnight.
Sunday evening service for all ages.
Followed by dinner ($5).
Coledale Frontyard Church
Wednesday of school term
Term 1&4 6-7pm
Term 2&3 5:30-6:30pm
5 Glen St, Coledale.
Next to Aunty Lucy's house.
Geared towards local community.
Online Each Sunday
Catchup on missed sermons on YouTube by clicking the image above or search for
‘St Peters South Tamworth.’
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Mid Week Service
1st Wednesday each month. 11am
St Peter's Chapel
Followed by hot roast lunch $8
Monthly communion service.
Transport can be arranged.
Contact the office on 02 6765 9304.