Mission Partners
St. Peter’s South Tamworth has a long history of substantial missionary support.
This helps to keep our eyes as a church family on the goal of taking the gospel, not just to our own patch, but to the whole world.
The church supports a significant number of missionaries and mission organizations, including the Church Missionary Society (CMS), Bush Church Aid (BCA), Worldwide Evangelism for Christ (WEC International), African Inland Mission (AIM), and Wycliffe Bible Translators. The support is physical, prayerful and financial. Individuals in the church are also encouraged to support missionaries both financially and prayerfully.
Missionary Prayer Fellowship
The missionary prayer fellowship supports all St Peter’s missionaries in prayer and other practical ways. It is held at 4pm on the fourth Monday of each month (excluding December and January).
Overseas ministry partners
James & Jiji - South Asia
And other workers in sensitive locations
Organisations we partner with
Prison Fellowship
Generate Ministries. Our SRE – High School Scripture